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The Arts of 24th Street Theartre

Medium: iMovie , Cinematography

 This documentary was originally created as an assignment for my filmmaking 1 class. It was then submitted and accepted to the Los Angeles Times student insider. Working on this project really helped me realize how much theatre has been a part of my life. At the end of this project I was able to appreciate 24th street Theatre more.

Caged Bird 

Medium: iMovie, Cinematography

      This is a short film that was inspired by my speech class. I was allowed full creativity of the storyline, but  it had to be silent. Doing a silent film showed me how effective actions really are. It  helped me also understand why many of us do judge books by their covers. Appearance sometimes can say a lot.

After You Left


Medium: iMovie


   "After You Left" is an original short film written, directed, and filmed by me as one of our film assignments. We created a short film based off a poem that really captured the mood of the poem in a non-literal way. This project helped me learn about the power of language. It was interesting how just a simple music shift was able to change the mood of the story so quickly.


Film  & Advertising Combined

Bellissimo Magia 


Mediums: Video, Photoshop, and Recycles


    In a small group, we were assigned to create a product to put on the store shelves. My group chose spray on makeup “Bellissimo Magia”, which means beautiful magic. I created the commercial, logo, and life size prototype in order to advertise “Bellissimo Magia”. In this project i learned a lot about how advertisement works. It was eye opening to see the whole process it takes to make and sell a product.



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